Message from Acting Commissioner Amanda Hiller
Thank you for visiting our website. The resources and services we provide here and throughout our department intend to help you meet your vital tax obligations—supporting essential government services across the state and in your own community in the process.
It’s a tremendous responsibility, which is why we continually strive to improve your experience, to make it as smooth and convenient as possible. To help us in this pursuit, please take a minute or two to complete the appropriate survey or surveys below—and thank you in advance for your greatly appreciated assistance.
- Amanda Hiller
Online services and tools
Tell us about your experience using one of our online services, including checking your refund status, paying a bill, and creating an account.
Call Center customer service
Tell us about your experience communicating over the phone with our Call Center representatives.
Taxpayer experience
Tell us about the content and resources we provide on our website, including forms and instructions, publications and guidance, and FAQs.
Improvement opportunities
Let us know if you have information about an issue that might affect a significant number of taxpayers and not an individual problem that pertains only to you.
Kudos for our Taxpayer Rights Advocate team
". . . each advocate was well educated, versed and prepared to discuss the facts, exhibits and my position in this case. During our conversations, they always made me feel that I was listened to, I was heard and I was respected. They made me feel that they took their professional responsibilities as advocates seriously, were sympathetic to my situation, and were dedicated to assisting the taxpayer."
- Carol H., Roslyn, NY