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Forms and guidance

Welcome to our home for forms and guidance.

Forms and guidance on our site are split into two main categories:

  • forms and instructions, which include both fillable and nonfillable forms; and
  • publications and guidance, which include tax bulletins, publications, technical memoranda, important notices, and more. 

Select a button in one of the cards below to find what you're looking for.

depiction of a form with pen

Long-term Initiative

We've turned some of our form instructions into webpages and rewritten them for plain language. Web instructions are more accessible, easier to understand, and easier to navigate. 

As you use our new instructions, complete our survey to let us know what you think. For more information, including tips for using these new instructions, see Forms and instructions.

Forms and guidance Resources

depiction of a person holding a form and instructions

Forms and instructions

You can view forms in a number of ways on our website: current-year forms by tax type or form number, and previous-year forms by year or tax type. For some tax types, we even have lists of most-commonly used forms.

Select the button to find your form your way.

depiction of various tax publications on a shelf


Guidance includes tax bulletins (TB), publications (Pub), technical memoranda (TSB-M), important notices (N-Notice), advisory opinions (TSB-A), tax guidance (NYT-G), and tax regulations.

Select the button for a definition of each and to find the type of guidance you need. 
