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Sales and use tax

Important updates regarding sales of short-term rental unit occupancy

Recent legislation (Chapter 99 of the Laws of 2025) amended the Tax Law to impose New York State and local sales tax, and the New York City unit fee, on sales of short-term rental unit occupancy. Effective on and after March 1, 2025, these amendments apply to collections of rent by an operator or booking service.

Please check back periodically for additional information to be posted soon or subscribe to receive an email when new information is posted. Locally administered taxes on hotel and motel occupancy may also be imposed on short term rentals. Please consult with localities to determine whether these taxes apply.

Sales tax applies to retail sales of certain tangible personal property and services. Use tax applies if you buy tangible personal property and services outside the state and use it within New York State.

File and pay

Taxable and exempt sales

Register as a sales tax vendor

Business best practices

Use tax

Publications and guidance

Unpaid tax debt programs

Other resources

Video: NYS Sales Tax Starting a Business

Video: NYS Sales Tax Starting a Business

Demo: NYS Sales Tax Rates and Jurisdictions

Demo: NYS Sales Tax Rates and Jurisdictions

Video: NYS Sales Tax Record Keeping Requirements

Video: NYS Sales Tax Record Keeping Requirements

Video: NYS Sales Tax Exemption Certificates

Video: NYS Sales Tax Exemption Certificates

Video: NYS Sales Tax Exempt Organizations

Video: NYS Sales Tax Exempt Organizations