Personal income tax
- Additional Restaurant Return-to-Work Credit (Articles 9-A and 22)
- Alternative fuels and electric vehicle recharging property credit (Articles 9, 9-A, and 22)
- Brownfield redevelopment tax credit (Articles 9, 9-A, 22, and 33)
- Clean heating fuel credit (Articles 9-A and 22)
- COVID-19 capital costs tax credit program (Articles 9-A and 22)
- Credit for rehabilitation expenses for historic barns (Article 22)
- Credit for taxicabs and livery services vehicles accessible to persons with disabilities (Articles 9-A and 22)
- Empire State apprenticeship tax credit (Articles 9-A and 22)
- Empire State digital gaming media production credit (Articles 9-A and 22)
- Empire State film production and Empire State film post-production credits (Articles 9-A and 22)
- Farm employer overtime credit (Articles 9-A and 22)
- Farm workforce retention credit (Articles 9-A and 22)
- Geothermal Energy Systems Credit (Article 22)
- Grade number 6 heating oil conversion credit (Articles 9-A and 22)
- Health care and mental hygiene worker bonuses (Article 22)
- Hire a Veteran Credit (Articles 9-A, 22, and 33)
- Homeowner tax rebate credit (Article 22)
- Investment tax credit (Articles 9-A and 22)
- Location requirement waiver for tax credits (Articles 9-A and 22)
- Low-income housing credit (Articles 9-A, 22, and 33)
- New York City earned income credit (Article 22)
- New York City musical and theatrical production tax credit (Articles 9-A and 22)
- New York City pass-through entity tax (NYC PTET) (Articles 22, 24-B and 30)
- New York State Voluntary Contributions (Article 9-A & 22)
- New York youth jobs program tax credit (Articles 9-A and 22)
- Pass-through entity tax (PTET) (Articles 22 and 24-A)
- Personal income tax rates (Article 22)
- Recoupling with Internal Revenue Code (IRC) provisions (Article 22)
- Restaurant return-to-work credit (Articles 9-A and 22)
- Subtraction modification for deductions related to the production and distribution of adult-use cannabis products (Articles 9-A and 22)
- Subtraction modification for small businesses (Article 22)
- Subtraction modification for student loan forgiveness awards (Article 22)
- Supplemental payments for empire state child tax credit and earned income credit (including noncustodial parent earned income credit) (Article 22)
- Use of New York 529 college savings accounts for apprenticeship programs (Article 22)
- Workers with disabilities tax credit (Articles 9-A and 22)