E-file your New York State personal income tax return!
E-filing is the easiest, fastest, and most secure way to file your personal income tax return. Check out your electronic filing options, below.
File for free anytime, anywhere with Direct File!
Direct File is a free, easy-to-use electronic filing option for eligible taxpayers.
Eligible New York taxpayers can use IRS Direct File to file their federal return, then seamlessly export their information into New York State Direct File to complete their New York State return.
You can access IRS Direct File and New York State Direct File in English or Spanish from your smartphone, laptop, tablet, or desktop computer.
See if you qualify for Free File
Depending on your income and other criteria, you may be eligible to use Free File software to e-file your federal and state income tax returns—at no cost.
Not eligible for Direct File or Free File?
If you are not eligible for Free File or Direct File, you can still e-file your return. You may even qualify for other free options to prepare and e-file your basic federal and state income tax returns.