Guidance about products and services
Guidance about multiple products or services
- Sales tax administrative information
- Moving and storage services
- Personal services in New York City
- Quick Reference Guide for Taxable and Exempt Property and Services (TB-ST-740)
- Products commonly sold at drugstores and pharmacies
- Services to real property (repairs or capital improvements)
Guidance about specific products or services
- Sales tax administrative information
- Abstracts of title
- Admission charges
- Amusement parks
- Candy and confectionery
- Car washes
- Catering services
- Cigarettes
- Clothing and footwear
- College textbooks
- Computer software
- Dietary foods and health supplements
- Flowers
- Food and beverage products
- Gratuities and service charges
- Guide, hearing, and service dogs
- Hairdressing and haircuts
- Hair removal services (electrolysis, waxing, etc.)
- Hair restoration services
- Hotel and motel services
- Interior decorating and design services
- Internet data centers
- Landscaping
- Manicures and pedicures
- Massage services
- Motor vehicles, vessels, and trailers
- Moving services
- Newspapers, periodicals, and shopping papers
- Parking services
- Racehorses
- Residential energy sources and services
- Restaurant food and beverages
- Sandwiches
- Service contracts and extended warranties
- Shipping and delivery charges
- Snowmobiles
- Storage services
- Tanning services
- Tattooing services
- Vending machines—food and beverages
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