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Corporate taxes

Corporate tax collections

New York State collected more than $7.5 billion in Article 9-A corporation franchise taxes in fiscal year 2023–2024. This was an increase of more than $240 million from the prior fiscal year.

Tax year filing and data timing

The combination of filing extensions and fiscal-year filing periods results in a lag between when returns are filed and when complete tax year data are available.

Example: A fiscal year filer with a December 2023–November 2024 liability period would be required to file its return in March 2025. If the entity uses the full one-year extension, the 2023 return would not be submitted to the department until March 2026.

Extensions of time to file 

Article 9-A taxpayers are required to file tax returns by the 15th day of the 4th month following the close of the tax year (April 15th for calendar-year filers). In addition, filers may extend the statutory due date for up to one year through the use of one six-month extension and two additional three-month extensions.

More than half of the corporate franchise taxpayers file by the statutory deadline, but those entities make up less than 10% of the total tax. Meanwhile, more than 60% of the overall Article 9-A tax comes from the less than 2% of taxpayers that use either a nine-month or one-year extension. 

Tax years: Calendar year vs. fiscal year

Corporate franchise taxpayers file either on a calendar year (January–December) or a fiscal year (the liability period begins in a month other than January). Two-thirds of Article 9-A taxpayers use a calendar year, reporting almost 75% of the total Article 9-A liability. 

Corporate franchise tax composition 

The number of corporate tax filers, and the associated liability, continues to grow since the corporate franchise tax was restructured in 2015.

Almost 75 percent of the corporation franchise tax burden is carried by less than 0.25 percent of filers. Nearly 80 percent of corporate franchise taxpayers pay less than $1,000 in tax.

Article 9-A filers are subject to the highest of three bases—business income base, business capital base, or the fixed dollar minimum tax based on New York receipts.

While more than two-thirds of Article 9-A filers pay on the fixed dollar minimum base, more than 90% of the tax comes from the income base.

Composition of Article 9-A taxpayers for tax year 2021
Tax base Number of taxpayers Percent of taxpayers Tax (in millions) Percent of total tax
Entire net income 68,977 21.6% $5,371.4 90.6%
Fixed dollar minimum 228,371 71.6% $80.6 1.4%
Capital 21,760 6.8% $477.7 8.1%
2021 Tax Year Total 319,108 100.0% $5,929.7 100.0%

Article 9-A New York receipts by type

Article 9-A taxpayers reported more than $24 trillion dollars across more than 50 different types of enumerated receipts, with more than $1.2 trillion of that amount sourced to New York State in 2021.

Competitive corporate tax rates

New York's top corporate franchise tax rate is one of the lowest rates in the Northeast.

S corporations 

Over 450,000 S corporations are required to pay an entity-level franchise tax under Article 9-A, ranging from $19 to $4,500 depending on the type of business and the amount of New York receipts. Shareholders of New York S corporations report the flow-through income from these corporations on their personal income tax returns. The number of New York S corporations continues to grow annually. 

Other corporate tax collections

Approximately 1,200 utility, telecommunications, and transportation companies and 1,300 insurance companies also pay almost $3 billion in corporate taxes.
