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Interest rates: 10/1/2022–12/31/2022

Period: 10/01/2022–12/31/2022
Interest rate per annum compounded daily
Commonly viewed tax types Refunds Late payments and assessments
Income ** 5% 8.5%
Sales and use 5% 14.5%
Withholding 5% 10%
Corporation ** 5% 10%
All other tax types Refunds Late payments and assessments
Adult-Use Cannabis Products 5% 10%
Alcoholic beverage 5% 10%
Authorized combative sports 5% 10%
Beverage container deposits 5% 10%
Cigarette NA 10%
Congestion Surcharge 5% 10%
Diesel motor fuel 5% 10%
Estate 5% 8.5%
Fuel use tax *** ***
Generation-skipping transfer 5% 8.5%
Hazardous waste 5% 15%
Highway use 5% 10%
Medical cannabis 5% 10%
Metropolitan Commuter Transportation Mobility Tax 5% 8.5%
Mortgage recording 5% 10%
Motor fuel 5% 10%
New York City Taxicab and Hail Vehicle Trip Tax 5% 10%
Opioid excise tax 5% 10%
Paper Carryout Bag Reduction Fee 5% 14.5%
Petroleum business 5% 10%
Real estate transfer 5% 10%
Tobacco products NA 10%
Transportation network company assessment 5% 10%
Waste tire fee 5% 10%
Wireless Communications Surcharge 5% 14.5%

 * The Tax Law requires the interest rate on sales tax assessments or late payments to be set at 14.5% for this quarter. However, if the Commissioner determines that the failure to pay or the delay in payment is due to reasonable cause and not willful neglect, the Commissioner may impose interest at the corporation tax late payment and assessment rate. That rate is 10% for this quarter.

** There are a number of state and local governmental bodies that have interest rates tied to the overpayment and underpayment rates contained in either section 697(j) (Income Tax) or Tax Law section 1096(e) (Corporation Tax). For purposes of section 697(j) and Tax Law section 1096(e), the overpayment rate for this period is 5%. For purposes of Tax Law section 697(j), the underpayment rate for this period is 8.5%. For purposes of Tax Law section 1096(e), the underpayment rate for this period is 10%.

*** Under Tax Law section 527(f), the interest rates relating to the Fuel Use tax are set pursuant to the International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA).  For more information regarding IFTA interest rates, see
