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Welcome, new vendors

As a newly registered vendor, you need to know your sales tax obligations. This page will help you learn important basic sales tax information, and it provides additional helpful vendor information.

Learn your vendor obligations

The following tax bulletins* provide an easy way to learn about sales tax basics.

Basic vendor obligations

What is taxable and how much sales tax to collect

File your returns

Once you register for sales and use tax purposes in New York State, you must file sales and use tax returns. Even if your business did not make any taxable sales or purchases during the reporting period, you must file your sales and use tax return by the due date. See How to Web File a sales tax no-tax-due return.

You need an Online Services account to Web File your sales tax returns, so we strongly recommend you sign up as soon as possible. As an account owner, you will be able to file your returns and schedule payments; you will also receive reminders about when to file and other important sales tax updates.  If you have not already, you will soon receive a letter from the Tax Department about creating an Online Services account that will give you instructions on how to sign up.

Create account

Sales tax vendors must Web File their sales tax returns through their Business Online Services accounts if they meet all three of the following conditions:

  • prepare tax documents themselves, without the assistance of a tax professional;
  • use a computer to prepare, document, or calculate the required filings; and
  • have broadband Internet access.

If you do not meet all three of these online services filing requirements, need assistance creating an account, or need to change the date you are beginning business, please call our Sales Tax Information Center (518-485-2889).

Keep updated on new tax law and information

Special topics and additional helpful sales tax information

Information is available for:

If you would like assistance from an experienced business owner, visit Business Mentor NY to find a business mentor. 

See Helpful Reminders for New Sales Tax Vendors (including a printer-friendly version).

 *A Tax Bulletin is an informational document designed to provide general guidance in simplified language on a topic of interest to taxpayers.  It is accurate as of the date issued.  However, taxpayers should be aware that subsequent changes in the Tax Law or its interpretation may affect the accuracy of a Tax Bulletin.  The information provided does not cover every situation and is not intended to replace the law or change its meaning. In addition to the recommended bulletins, Publication 20 (New York State Tax Guide For New Businesses), Publication 750 (A Guide to Sales Tax in New York State), and Publication 900 (Important Information for Business Owners) provide almost all of the information you will need to know about your sales tax requirements, and we would recommend that you look through them at some time.
