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Maximum 2024–2025 STAR exemption savings by school district: Schuyler County

Schuyler County
School district name Municipal name Class* Basic Enhanced
Odessa-Montour Town of Catharine - $405 $993
Odessa-Montour Town of Cayuta - $371 $968
Odessa-Montour Town of Dix - $384 $968
Odessa-Montour Town of Enfield - $356 $966
Odessa-Montour Town of Hector - $382 $993
Odessa-Montour Town of Montour - $405 $993
Odessa-Montour Town of Van Etten - $355 $939
Odessa-Montour Town of Veteran - $377 $823
Watkins Glen Town of Catlin - $296 $751
Watkins Glen Town of Dix - $300 $743
Watkins Glen Town of Hector - $298 $758
Watkins Glen Town of Orange - $321 $743
Watkins Glen Town of Reading - $300 $743
Watkins Glen Town of Tyrone - $321 $743

* Class refers only to school districts that exercise the homestead/non-homestead tax option, or that are based within special assessing units (Nassau County or NYC).

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