Apply the STAR credit guidelines to your tax billing process
School tax bill processors
Before the processing of school tax bills.
The STAR credit program requires school tax bill processors to add this language to the bills issued to STAR credit recipients:
An estimated STAR check has been or will be mailed to you by the NYS Tax Department. Any overpayment or underpayment can be reconciled on your next tax return or STAR credit check.
The bills do not indicate the amount of the credit or whether the property owner will receive the Basic or Enhanced STAR credit.
To avoid taxpayer confusion, do not include any information regarding the STAR credit in the levy column.
Note that homeowners cannot receive both a STAR credit and a STAR exemption. If both appear on a bill, please correct it.
Instructions for RPSV4 users
Designate each parcel that will receive the STAR credit with marker code 99999.
The marker code will not be displayed on the tax bill, but will be used only to trigger the language cited above.
- Users of RPS160D1 and the FoxPro Tax Bill Print Utility: The utility will place the tax bill language.
- Users of RPS155D1 or the combination of RPS145D1/RPS995T1: Examine your parcel exemption data for the presence of marker code 99999.
- Users of RPS160D1 and third-party tax billing software packages: Examine your parcel exemption data for the presence of marker literal “STAR Check” (RPS160D1 does not carry exemption codes).
Instructions for users of other assessment administration software
Each parcel that will receive the STAR credit should be designated with either STAR credit code 99999 or STAR credit description STAR Check.
Neither the code nor description will be displayed on the tax bill, but will be used only to trigger the language noted above.
It’s the responsibility of the school tax bill processor to ensure that the correct language appears on tax bills for homeowners receiving the STAR credit.
For information specific to RPSV4 file maintenance or FoxPro tax billing software, contact the RPS Unit:
School tax bill processors using third-party tax billing software packages may contact Do not send your tax bill data files to this address. Please direct other questions to your ORPTS customer service team.