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To be eligible for a STAR credit, you cannot receive a STAR benefit on another property.

If you received this letter (Form RP-5310-DLS), you registered for the STAR credit on the property described in your letter, but our records indicate that you may be receiving a STAR benefit for another property. Therefore, we need more information to confirm your eligibility.

You can receive STAR only on your primary residence. You can have only one primary residence.

Unless legally separated, a married couple can receive STAR for only one residence.

What to do next

Within 30 days, send us:

  • a copy of your letter,
  • a brief letter of explanation, and supporting documentation as described below.

Supporting documentation

Provide current information for each property you own.

If you no longer own the property for which you received a STAR benefit, indicate the property was sold and provide the date of sale. You must also provide proof that you no longer own the property. Include a copy of a document that validates the sale. You do not need to provide the names of the new owners.

If the property was a residence owned in conjunction with a spouse, and you are now legally separated or divorced, you must provide proof.

For each property you own, provide the names of the owners and spouses who reside at the property and indicate whether it is their primary residence.

If the property is your primary residence

If the property is your primary residence, you must provide at least two forms of proof. Examples of residency documentation include:

  • a statement from the Board of Elections about your residence for voting purposes,
  • a driver license or other government-issued ID, and
  • a vehicle registration.

If the property is not your primary residence

If the property is not your primary residence, you must provide proof that you are not receiving a STAR benefit. If the property is:

  • not a cooperative apartment or mobile home, provide a copy of your school tax bill showing this property is not receiving a STAR exemption.
  • a cooperative apartment, provide a letter from the operator, director, or manager of the cooperative stating that the property did not receive a STAR benefit for the school year.
  • a mobile home, provide a letter from the landowner, operator, or manager of the mobile home park stating that the property did not receive a STAR benefit for the school year.

Fax or mail this information to us

Fax: 518-435-8634

         ALBANY NY 12227-0801

If not using U.S. Mail, see Publication 55, Designated Private Delivery Services.

If you do not respond within 30 days of the date of this letter, we will send you a letter denying the STAR credit.
