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10/28/2019 Assessment Community Weekly

Training update

The ORPTS training schedule is updated through Spring 2020. If you have questions, email or call 518-474-1764.

Reminder: Ethics certification and recertification deadline

Re-appointed and re-elected assessors and county directors must take approved ethics training within one year (before or after) of re-appointment or re-election to office. New assessors and new county directors must take an approved ethics course within a year of taking office.

For approved courses and more information see Ethics component.

Income worksheets and denial letters

We mail income worksheets and cover letters to homeowners when we need more information to determine eligibility for the STAR credit, STAR exemption, or the property tax relief credit. If contacted by a property owner who receives a worksheet, refer them to the telephone number on the cover letter:

  • STAR credit – 518-457-2036, or
  • property tax relief credit – 518-453-8146

In addition, we are also mailing the RP-5310-DLPR denial letter to homeowners who registered for the STAR credit, but for whom we cannot confirm that the property is the primary residence of any of the owners. If contacted by a taxpayer about this letter, direct them to follow the instructions on the letter.

ICYMI (aka In case you missed it): Outreach to assessors regarding mobile homes, co-ops and good cause

If the resident of a mobile home park or a co-op in your jurisdiction requested an Enhanced STAR deadline extension for a good cause, our staff may email you over the next few days for a quick confirmation regarding Enhanced STAR exemptions.

  • to confirm the STAR exemption status of the lot or unit (Basic, Enhanced, or no STAR exemption), and
  • whether you’re aware that the property is not eligible for the exemption based on age, ownership, and residency.

If the unit or lot is eligible for Enhanced STAR and is not already receiving the exemption, we will send them a check for the remaining benefit.

Thank you for your continued assistance to ensure that all eligible seniors receive the Enhanced STAR benefit.

Tip for new assessors: Bookmark the Assessor Manuals

Long ago, in an office just like yours, the Assessor Manuals were voluminous tomes that took up large sections of your shelves. Now, in these days of digital information, the manuals are strictly online documents. (If there happens to be an old paper version in your office, it’s long out-of-date.)

Bookmark Assessor Manuals for easy access to:

  • data collection manuals for residential, commercial, forestry, farm and vacant properties,
  • detailed exemption administration manuals,
  • residential and commercial property record cards, and
  • a quick reference to property class codes.

Judicial cases

New Judicial case:

  • Matter of Consolidated Edison Co. of N.Y., Inc. v New York State Bd. of Real Prop. Servs.

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