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09/18/2023 Assessment Community Weekly

ORPTS Symposium

From noon on Tuesday, September 26 through Wednesday, September 27, all ORPTS staff will be gathered for the First Annual ORPTS Symposium. This will provide our staff with the opportunity to train and learn about the dozens of products and services that we provide.
During this time, our staff will not be available to answer the Assessor/Director Hotline. You will still have an ability to leave us a voicemail, and your call will be returned within 24 hours.

STAR credit update

As of today, we have issued 650,000 STAR credits. We’ve issued virtually all credits for homeowners with September 30 school tax due dates, except in cases where we have mailed a letter to a homeowner and are waiting for a response.
As a reminder, if you are contacted by a homeowner looking for their STAR credit:

If they have further questions, direct them to call 518-457-2036.

SLMS outage

Due to a scheduled update, the Statewide Learning Management System (SLMS) will be unavailable from Thursday, September 21 – Monday, September 25.

If you have concerns about completing your training due to this outage, please email
