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General pre-decisional collaboration (PDC) analysis schedule

The following is the general schedule of events for communication and collaboration between the State and local governments. The purpose of this effort is to analyze the market place and condition of assessments for the purpose of preparing for the RAR, assessment rolls and equalization rates.


  • ORPTS shares status of sales transmissions and corrections (as needed).
  • ORPTS shares status of municipal inventory data (as needed).
  • Assessors maintain current inventory data, and verify and correct sales data in a timely manner.
    Note: Subject inventory changes must be maintained by the time the final roll is transmitted to ORPTS in order to be used in the market analysis process.
  • ORPTS to share list of new appraisals (if applicable) and suggest that local officials provide their opinion of values and supporting documentation on these parcels.

By September 1

  • Share final residential ratio to be published as the RAR for early cities.
  • Share market area maps (ongoing) and reach agreement on changes.
  • Exchange ideas relative to unique market place influences which should be considered in analysis.

By mid-September

  • Lists of residential sales from July 1 of the prior year to June 30 of the current year that could be used for market analysis will be provided to assessors for final review; assessors will be given deadline to transmit corrections to ORPTS.
  • Share results of sales pattern tests (as needed) and resolve by the same deadline determined for sales review corrections.

September through December

  • Share final Residential ratio to be published as the RAR for early cities.
  • County-wide and/or regional PDC information meetings as needed.
  • Local government CAMA ratio, sales ratio and trend analysis are shared with ORPTS.
  • ORPTS CAMA ratio, sales ratio and trend analysis results are shared with the local governments.
  • ORPTS and localities share opinion of values for new appraisals.
  • ORPTS provides feedback on appraisal work completed by locality.
  • ORPTS shares the bulk of its utility values from October through December.
  • ORPTS shares its forest land values and taxable State land values.
  • ORPTS and local officials reach agreement on as much analysis and results as possible.

January / February

  • Review of appraisals is completed and appraisal values are finalized.
  • Remaining utility values are shared.
  • Share final Residential ratio to be published as the RAR.
  • Final PDC ratios are distributed (may be later for some appraisal munis).


  • Recap how the process went and propose potential improvements for next cycle (Regional Services Division management/RPTAC Equalization Sub-committee).

Note: This schedule may be adjusted upon agreement by the CRM and local officials to better meet local government needs.

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