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Sales data management

Course information
Prerequisite None
Duration Unlimited
CE credits 4
Self Study Not currently available
Web based
Course description

This course is designed for NYS Assessment Administrators who maintain and utilize real property sales data as part of their job responsibilities.

  • This course defines real property transfers/sales and identifies the statutes mandating the reporting of real property transfer data. The primary function of and filing procedures for RP-5217 Real Property Transfer Reports are reviewed and each RP-5217 form item is examined.
  • It describes local and state real property transfer/sales database environments and RP-5217 data entry methods. Local and state sales data usage is clarified. Critical RP-5217 data items are identified and the Real Property System's RPS035 file transmittal and paper data correction methods are described. State and local RP-5217 records matching issues are explained and RP-5217 data correction timeline requirements are stated.
  • The state's three online sales reports are identified and analyzed. Local sales data review requirements are explained. Sales Web, the state's online sales data warehouse application, is introduced and described.
  • State Aid eligibility requirements regarding local sales reporting are explained. Sales Data Management Information System (MIS), the state's sales data monitoring system, is described and additional sales data management resources are identified.

To find course offerings refer to Educational organizations specializing in appraisal training.

For more information on courses that are equivalent, please contact Educational Services.

Information is available on Certification requirements.

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