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Current status of property tax-related legislation

Passed both houses in 2025

Current Status as of February 18, 2025

Count = 6

To view the text of a bill, visit New York State Legislature. (To search, enter the bill number without the period, for example, X1234-x.)

To view a prior year's bill status, see Real property tax legislation summaries.

Other RPT related bills
Subject of legislation Bill number Date passed Status
Ag. Assessment: Expands the definition of crops, livestock and livestock products to include cannabis (Agriculture and Markets Law 301) S.780 Passed Senate 01/22

Signed 01/27

Ch. 2

A.417 Passed Assembly 01/21
Exemption for enrolled members of certain volunteer ocean rescue squads (RPTL 466-m) S.781 Passed Senate 01/28

Signed 2/14

Ch. 84

A.2438 Passed Assembly 02/05
Exemption for enrolled members of certain volunteer ocean rescue and auxiliary squads (RPTL 466-n) S.782 Passed Senate 02/03

Signed 2/14

Ch. 85

A.2437 Passed Assembly 02/05
Relates to installment payments and tax bills (RPTL 922) S.741 Passed Senate 01/22

Signed 2/14

Ch. 73

A.415 Passed Assembly 02/05
Town of Southampton homestead exemption (Ch. 645 of 2024) S.803 Passed Senate 01/22

Signed 2/14

Ch. 90

A.2436 Passed Assembly 02/05
Climate Change Property Tax Relief Act (RPTL 467-n) S.821 Passed Senate 01/22

Signed 2/14

Ch. 95

A.416 Passed Assembly 02/05
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