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Digital tax map conversion procedures

The following outline provides a process for approving the conversion of mylar tax maps to a digital mapping environment.

  1. The Tax Mapping Unit (TMU) will assist counties/towns/cities planning a digital conversion of the mylar tax maps with specifications and direction in developing an RFP. Technical advice and continued project review will be available to the county/town/city from the TMU.
  2. County/town/city submits RFP and/or conversion plan to TMU for preliminary approval.
  3. Regional staff will be contacted by the TMU and continually informed of the digital conversion project with periodic database updates and applicable status maps on the Department's website.
  4. During the conversion phase the county/town/city will submit samples, to the TMU, of their original mylar maps along with paper representation of the converted data for comparison and analysis. The TMU will certify to the county/town/city that the preliminary sample maps submitted are in compliance with the rules.
  5. Final certification in the form of written approval will be sent from TMU when the county/town/city completes digital conversion and submits a plan for maintenance of the digital tax map data.
  6. TMU will update the tax map database and applicable status maps.  
  7. The TMU will report digital conversion status to the LIS Director as requested.

This procedure is established pursuant to RPTL, Section 503 and 20 NYCRR 8189.


Email: GIS
