Compensating local governments for loss of tax base due to State ownership of land
Table of contents
Executive summary
Types of compensation programs
Equity of current compensation programs
Recommendations for improving the compensation system
Fiscal impact
List of tables and figures
Table 1.
Methods Used by the States to Compensate Local Governments for Tax Base Reduction Due to State Ownership of Land
Table 2.
State Land Taxable Under Current Law
Table 3.
Transition Assessments, Adirondack Park Aggregate Assessments, and River Regulating District-Assessments (1989 through 1993 Assessment Rolls)
Table 4.
Summary of PILOT and Related Aid Programs
Table 5.
Imposition of Benefit Assessments on Tax Exempt Property by Local Governments
Table 6.
Incidence of State-Owned Land by County (Based on 1993 Assessment Rolls)
Table 7.
Towns with Highest Concentration of State-Owned Land (1993 Assessment Rolls)
Table 8.
Differential Tax Treatment of State Land According to Local Taxing Purpose (1993 Assessment Rolls)
Table 9.
Tax and PILOT Payments on State-Owned Land (1994 Fiscal Year)
Table 10.
Payment of Benefit Assessments on State Property (Public Lands Law, Section 19)
Table 11.
Categorization of State Lands for Proposed Local Government Compensation Programs
Table 12.
Projected Payments under PILOT Program Based on $1 per Acre per Taxing Unit
Table 13.
Projected Payments under PILOT Program Based on $10/acre Apportioned Between Taxing Units (School, $5.60; County, $2.00; City/Town, $2.00;Village, $0.40)
Table 14.
Projected Payments Under PILOT Program Based on $20/acre Apportioned Between Taxing Units (School, $11.20; County, $4.00; City/Town, $4.00; Village, $0.80)
Table 15.
Effect of "Hold Harmless" Provision of Proposed PILOT Program on Taxing Units, 1993 Assessment Rolls
Figure 1.
Lorenz Curve of State Compensation to Local Governments for State Land (Tax and PILOT Payments, 1994 Fiscal Year)
Appendix B tables
Table B1
Summary of State-Owned-Land Acreage by Property Use—Exempt and Taxable Lands, 1993 Assessment Rolls (Counties, Cities and Towns)
Table B2
Summary of State-Owned-Land Acreage by Property Use—Exempt and Taxable Lands, 1993 Assessment Rolls (Villages)
Table B3
Summary of State-Owned-Land Acreage by Property Use—Exempt and Taxable Lands, 1993 Assessment Rolls (School Districts)
Updated: September 13, 2021