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PrompTax Prepaid Sales Tax on Motor Fuel and Diesel Motor Fuel - Fedwire Detail

Format specifications and layout for Fedwire option

All Fedwire transactions must adhere to Federal Reserve rules and format specifications to ensure timely and accurate payments. The PrompTax Fedwire payment specifications you must use for prepaid sales tax on motor fuel and diesel motor fuel are below.

Primary information area
Field description Line Field Field input Notes
Priority Code 1 (1) 02 Input is always ‘02'.
Receiving Bank Identifier 2 (2) 121000248 Input is always ‘121000248'.
Fedwire Type/Subtype 2 (3) 1000 Input is always ‘1000'.
Sending Bank Identifier 3 (4) Numeric This is your bank's transit routing number. Input is mandatory.
Fedwire Class Code 3 (5) Numeric Optional
Sending Bank Reference 3 (6) Numeric This is your bank's number.
Fedwire dollar amount 3 (7) Numeric This is the payment amount that will be remitted to the State of New York.
Sending bank name 4 (8) Alpha-numeric Abbreviation of the sending bank's name. Input is mandatory.
Order party 4 (9) Alpha-numeric This is your company's legal name. This field is mandatory and should be entered as: ‘ORG = your company legal name' i.e., ORG = XYZ Corporation. In the event your company is paying through a non Federal reserve member also include 'ORG=your company's bank'. (Originator Bank)
Receiving bank name 5 (10) Wells Fargo NA Abbreviation of the receiving bank's name. Input is mandatory. Input is always ‘Wells Fargo NA'.
Product code 5 (11) CTR Input is always ‘CTR'.
Third party/beneficiary 5 (12) BNF=NYS DTF Input is always ‘BNF=NYS DTF'.
Beneficiary account number 5 (13) This is the Tax Department's bank account number. Please call PrompTax customer service at 518-457-2332 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. EST to obtain this number.
Originator to beneficiary Information 6 & 7 (14) Numeric This is the company's tax identifying information. Input is mandatory and must follow the format below.

Originator to beneficiary format: Field 14

The table below shows the format for the Originator to beneficiary information field (Field 14). This field is made up of several sub-fields and is where you report specific tax return information.

Primary information area
Sub position description Element Position Field size Field input Footnote
Segment identifier (originator to beneficiary information) (A) 1-4 4 OBI= Input is always 'OBI='.
Tax type code (B) 5-6 2 FT Input is always 'FT'.
Separator (C) 7 1 !
Access code (D) 8-13 6 Numeric This is a confidential number provided by the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance. Input is always your six digit number.
Separator (E) 14 1 !
Tax ID number (F) 15-25 11 Numeric Input is left-justified and alpha-numeric. Any unused positions should remain blank. Do not include check digit.
Separator (G) 26 1 !
Tax period end date (H) 27-32 6 Numeric (MMDDYY) This is the end date of the tax period you are reporting. Input is always numeric and MMDDYY format.
Separator (I) 33 1 !
Total prepaid sales tax on motor fuel an diesel motor fuel payment (J) 34-43 10 Numeric This is the amount of your prepaid sales tax on motor fuel and diesel motor fuel payment. Input is right-justified, numeric and without a decimal between dollars and cents; any unused spaces should be filled with zeros. If your liability is zero, fill the entire field with zeros.
Separator (K) 44 1 !


XYZ Corporation is making a prepaid sales tax on motor fuel and diesel motor fuel (FT) Fedwire payment of $1,660,575.00.  Their access code is 654321 and their taxpayer identification number is 010203045.  For the period end date of January 22, 2016 they are reporting total prepaid sales tax on motor fuel and diesel motor fuel of $1,660,575.00.  The total payment on prepaid sales tax on motor fuel and diesel motor fuel is $1,660,575.00.

*The numbers (fields) and letters (elements) in parentheses are to assist you in referring to the specification and layout tables. They do not appear on the actual Fedwire layout.

*Fields that your bank will provide (4, 6, and 8) are blank in this example.

Line 1 0 2
  (2)   (3)  
Line 2 1 2 1 0 0 0 2 4 8   1 0 0 0  
  (4)       (5)       (6)     (7)
Line 3                       $ 1 , 6 6 0 , 5 7 5 . 0 0
  (8)         (9)
Line 4           O R G = X Y Z   C O R P O R A T I O N
  (10)   (11)   (12)   (13)
Line 5 W E L L S   F A R G O   N A   C T R   B N F = N Y S   D T F   Call the department to obtain our 10-digit bank account number.
  (A) (B) (C ) (D) (E ) (F)     (G) (H) (I)
Line 6 O B I = F T ! 6 5 4 3 2 1 ! 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 5     ! 0 1 2 2 1 6 !
  (J) (K)
Line 7 0 1 6 6 0 5 7 5 0 0 !
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