2D barcode forms help
Below are common questions and answers regarding New York State’s 2D barcode forms. Paper forms with 2D barcodes improve accuracy, resulting in faster processing of returns and issuing of refunds.
Frequently asked questions
How do I download and open a PDF?
How to download PDF documents from this website:
- Right-click on the link to the document.
- Select Save Target As or Save Link As.
- Save the document to your computer. Make a note of where you saved it.
How to open PDF in Adobe Reader:
You’ll need Adobe Reader version 6.0 or greater to view, complete forms, and print. Here's how to download Adobe Reader for free. If you have any older versions of Adobe Reader, you’ll need to uninstall them before installing the new version of Adobe Reader.
- Open Adobe Reader.
- When Adobe Reader is open, select File > Open,
- Navigate to where you saved the document.
- Then double-click on the document to open it.
Why can't I open the enhanced PDF?
Enhanced forms are designed to work with Adobe Reader or Acrobat Pro directly. Attempting to open them directly in a browser may cause issues (even if using an Adobe Reader plug-in application within the browser)
If you are having problems downloading or printing forms, please see How do I download PDF documents to my computer? above.
Mozilla Firefox USERS
Firefox should display a yellow message asking the user to open in a different format, but that doesn't seem to occur with the Reader plug in.
However, there should be a message that appears alerting that the Forms cannot be supported in the browser view and prompts to save and/or open using Acrobat Reader (or Acrobat Pro).
Google Chrome, IOS Safari, Microsoft Edge, Opera, et al USERS
Several browsers use their own PDF viewers to open files. However, our Enhanced 2D forms are not compatible with other PDF viewing programs. A yellow pop-up message will appear alerting users to download the file to their desktop and work using Adobe Reader or Acrobat.
Adobe Plug-In configuration help
Browser requirements and troubleshooting
Compatible browsers
To have the best experience possible, your Internet browser must be compatible with the Department of Taxation and Finance website. The site's minimum browser compatibility versions are listed below:
- Google Chrome 30 and above
- Apple Safari 7 and above
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 11
- Mozilla Firefox 27 and above
- Opera
Browser security requirements
Your browser must use the protocol version TLS 1.2. The browser versions listed above meet New York State's browser security requirements.
If you receive a message to upgrade your browser when you visit https://encryption.ny.gov, you either need to adjust your settings or upgrade your browser. For instructions on how to adjust your settings, see Web Browser Update Instructions. For instructions on upgrading your browser, visit your browser's technical solution page:
When finished, visit https://encryption.ny.gov again to confirm your browser’s security.
Browser troubleshooting and tips
How to clear your browsing history, cookies, and cache
Sometimes the webpage doesn't appear as expected. If this occurs, locate the browser settings in the File menu in the top left or Settings icon in the top right of your browser and clear your history, cookies, and/or cache.
Windows users can also use the keyboard combination shortcut Ctrl + Shift +Delete to call the splash screen to empty the cache, remove cookies, and delete browsing history.
How to adjust the browser text size
The website uses standard and consistent fonts on each webpage. If the size of the text needs to be adjusted for better readability, use the keyboard combinations shortcut Ctrl + + to make the text larger, and Ctrl - - to make the text smaller.
How to turn on/off auto-fill and auto-complete settings
If a compatible browser is being used but issues are still arising with form fields, check to see if auto-fill is on. Different browsers require different methods to check auto-fill:
- Chrome: Select Settings from the top-right menu, then select Auto-fill on the left, preferences may be set separately for Passwords, Payment methods, and "Addresses and more";
- Safari: Select Safari, Preferences, then AutoFill;
- Edge: Select Settings from the top-right menu and view the options under Profiles; The Personal info and Payment info entries both have "save and fill" settings;
- Firefox: Select Options from the top-right menu, then select Privacy & Security and scroll down to the Forms and Autofill options (separate settings are available for addresses and credit cards).
Checking site permissions
Sometimes a website doesn't work as expected. This can be caused due to privacy issues set on your browser. These settings can be checked under:
- Chrome: Select Settings from the top-right menu, then select Privacy and Security on the left and open Site Settings for available options;
- Safari: Select Safari, Preferences and Websites;
- Edge: Select Settings from the top-right menu and then select Cookies and site permissions on the left to access the available options;
- Firefox: Select Options from the top-right menu, then select Privacy & Security and scroll down to Permissions to find the available options.
If the website is functioning differently between browsers, it's most likely a privacy issue in one of them.
Browser tabs and windows
Having too many browser windows open at once can be confusing. Utilizing browser tabs can be beneficial when searching the website. Some page links will open in a new window or tab and will indicate as such with an icon and hover text. To open a new window use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + N. To open a new tab use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + T.
History, bookmarks, search, and print
When browsing the website, it can be useful to refer to the browser history for a recent page, or bookmark the current page for future reference.
To open the browser history use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + H. To bookmark the current page use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + D. To search for text or a phrase on the current page, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F. To print the current page, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + P.
How can I get Adobe Acrobat Reader?
To obtain the latest version of the free Adobe Reader, please visit the Adobe website.
Where is the document number on my driver license?
To view the standard placement of the ID number and document number on New York State-issued licenses and IDs, visit the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles at Sample Photo Documents.
If you use software (including Adobe Acrobat) to prepare your (and your spouse’s, if applicable) personal income tax return, New York State requires you to include your driver license or non-driver ID information on the return. This applies to both you and your spouse. You must enter the information each tax year as New York State does not allow the retention of driver license information by tax preparation software.
This requirement applies to driver licenses or non-driver IDs from any state.
You must provide the following information from your (and your spouse’s, if applicable) driver license or non-driver ID:
- the driver license or non-driver ID number;
- the issuing state;
- the issue date;
- the expiration date; and
- the first three characters of the document number (for New York State-issued licenses and non-driver IDs only).
If you or your spouse do not have a driver license or non-driver ID, you can indicate that within the software to fulfill this requirement.
Why we want this information
We will use the driver license and non-driver ID information as verification to protect you from fraud and identity theft.
I filed an original return with 2D barcodes and need to amend. What form do I use?
You may amend your filed original return with Form IT-201-X, Amended Resident Income Tax Return or Form IT-203-X, Amended Non-Resident and Part-Year Resident Return.
For more information, see Filing an amended return.
Note: The above form links are for current year returns. To view forms from other years, see Previous year tax forms (by tax year).
When I use the enhanced personal income tax form (IT-201-2D or IT-203-2D), the tax computed is not exactly the same tax as the table in the instructions. Why? Which is correct?
In most cases, the amount automatically computed and the amount calculated using the tax table are the same, but they may differ slightly in certain cases.
For example:
- If your taxable income is $38,900 and you use the:
- enhanced form, your automatically computed tax = $2087
- tax tables, your calculated tax = $2088
- If your taxable income is $38,925 and you use the:
- enhanced form, your automatically computed tax = $2088
- tax tables, your calculated tax = $2088
- If your taxable income is $38,949 and you use the:
- enhanced form, your automatically computed tax is = $2090
- tax tables, your calculated tax = $2088
The tax table amounts in the instructions are based on the midpoint of the range of income given. The computed tax is based on your exact taxable income and rounds to the nearest whole dollar amount. If you are using the enhanced form, the computed amount is correct and may not be edited.
Can I print from a USB drive?
Enhanced forms must be opened and printed using Adobe Acrobat or Acrobat Reader. Printing directly from a USB drive to a printer is not possible. Always open the PDF on a computer to make updates and print.
I can't view or open a form. What should I do?
The majority of our forms are in PDF format. This format allows these forms to be printed to match the paper forms. Adobe Reader is required to view and print forms, instructions, and any other PDF files found throughout our website.
To obtain the latest version of the free Adobe reader, please visit the Adobe website
Why is my PDF printing with missing text?
A PDF form that is garbled or missing text after printing could be due to a system font inconsistency.
To fix this issue before printing take the following steps:
- With the Print window open, select Advanced
- When the next window opens, click the check box for Print as Image
- Click OK and continue to print like normal
My return has 2D barcodes. Where do I mail the return?
Mail your return to the address provided in the instructions for your return.
Where will the 2D barcodes appear on my return?
The 2D barcodes will generate and print on each page. The location of the barcode varies by page.
What forms are available with enhanced 2D barcodes?
Our Enhanced 2D barcode program includes enhanced paper forms that will calculate totals and compute your tax for you (a 2D barcode will print on each page, uniquely identifying your return)
Enhanced forms with 2D barcodes are available for:
Form IT-2, Summary of W-2 Statements
Form IT-196, New York Resident, Nonresident, and Part-Year Resident Itemized Deductions
Form IT-201, Resident Income Tax Return
Form IT-201-X, Amended Resident Income Tax Return
Form IT-203, Nonresident and Part-Year Resident Income Tax Return
Form IT-213, Claim for Empire State Child Credit
Form IT-214, Claim for Real Property Tax Credit
Form IT-360.1, Change of City Resident Status
Form IT-1099-R, Summary of Federal Form 1099-R Statements
Consider e-filing your return
Electronically filed returns are processed faster, with refunds issued sooner than paper-filed returns. Depending on your income level, you may also be eligible to e-file for free.
- For information about free electronic filing, see Free file your income tax return
- For a listing of available software, see E-file-approved commercial software: Personal income tax