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Real property home

New! Homeowner Benefit Portal

As a New York State homeowner, you can now view and update your property tax benefit registrations and enroll in direct deposit for your STAR credit. 

Follow these instructions to get started:

  1. Log in to your Individual Online Services account or create one.
  2. Select the ≡ Services menu in the upper-left corner of your screen, then choose Real property tax.
  3. From the expanded menu, select Homeowner Benefit Portal.
Visual of woman on laptop, holding phone showing Online account

Real property Resources

house with garage door open to reveal a car

Property owners

Our property owner webpages include information about assessments, property tax relief, and more. You'll find everything you need to know, whether your property is residential, commercial, agricultural, or vacant. 

Only looking for STAR information? See STAR resource center.

Hand holding a magnifying glass over a form, which large check icon overlaying it

Local assessment officials

Includes important updates and access to New York State resources for assessors, county real property tax directors, and their staff. 

Or, log in to the Online Assessment Community.

red house with a for sale sign in front yard

Real estate transfer information

Selling or buying real estate? You’ll find the sales transfer form (RP-5217) and other helpful information here.

Or, search our database of property sales with SalesWeb.

Municipal profiles

Looking for property tax data, dates, or contact information for your municipality?

Visit Municipal Profiles and search for your county, town, city, or village.

House icon

Plan Ahead

May 1

Tentative assessment rolls published in most towns

Check your assessment

May 27

Grievance Day in most towns

Learn how to grieve

July 1

Final assessment rolls published in most towns

Learn about assessment rolls
