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06/10/2024 Assessment Community Weekly

Tentative Roll Corrections Report (Report #4) now available

Report #4 is now available in the Online Assessment Community for municipalities with a May 1 tentative roll date who provided their tentative roll files to ORPTS on a timely basis (by May 10).

The Tentative Roll Corrections Report indicates STAR changes that must be made prior to finalizing the final assessment roll. It includes the following:

  • disparities between the tentative assessment roll and Reports #1, 2, and 3
  • changes to our determination due to a taxpayer responding to our mailing
  • flags for parcels that have missing or incomplete IVP enrollments
  • IVP enrollments that have been closed

The instructions provide all of the details.

Thank you for your efforts! As always, if you have questions or comments about the report, follow the instructions on How to submit STAR report changes.

Equalization rate update for May 1 and June 1 tentative roll municipalities

We've made 660 equalization rates so far. Please keep the following in mind:

  • Watch your email: We’ll email your rate to you (and the county director) as soon as it’s made. (We’ll also post it online the following day.)
  • If ORPTS accepts the LOA as the equalization rate: The rate will immediately become final. ORPTS will not issue a tentative rate, and—by law—you do not have the authority to file a rate complaint.
  • If ORPTS doesn’t accept the LOA as the rate: ORPTS will establish a tentative rate and notify the assessing unit of the date on which any complaints will be heard. In addition, the assessor is required by law to provide a separate notice to the local governing body of any affected: 
    • town,
    • city,
    • village,
    • county, and
    • school district

The assessor’s notice must specify the difference in the indicated total full value estimates of the locally stated level of assessment and the tentative equalization rate for the taxable property within each affected jurisdiction listed above.

The assessor must provide this notice within ten days of the receipt of the tentative equalization rate, or within ten days of the filing of the tentative assessment roll, whichever is later.

If you publish your tentative roll on or about June 1: Your roll is due to ORPTS today. If you haven’t already, please send us your roll and post it online as soon as possible.

