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Welcome to our home for businesses. We designed it to provide easy access to tax information, filing and payment resources, and popular business topics, and more for:

  • corporation tax,
  • sales tax,
  • withholding tax, and
  • other taxes and reporting requirements.

For information regarding income tax, estate tax, mortgage recording tax, and more, see our home for Individuals.

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What's New

March 2025 changes to withholding tax—updated instructions, publications, and more

We’re in the process of streamlining our withholding tax and wage reporting forms and Web File applications. We’ve released certain instructions, publications, and upload layouts related to the changes.

See updated resources

For an overview of the changes, see Significant changes coming to withholding tax and wage reporting.

Pass-through entity tax (PTET)

The annual PTET return is generally due on March 15 after the close of the PTET taxable year. However, the electing entity can request a six-month extension of time to file the return through its Business Online Services account.

Learn about PTET

Plan Ahead

February 20

Sales tax returns due for monthly filers

File sales tax return

March 17

New York S corporation tax return due for calendar year filers

File corporation return

March 17

Partnership returns due for calendar-year filers

See partnership forms
