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Hiring employees

When you hire employees or buy a business that already has employees who will now be working for you, complete the following:

  1. You must obtain a federal employer identification number (EIN) from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). You’ll need your EIN to identify your business to the IRS and New York State. You can get your EIN by:
  2. After you get your EIN, you must register with New York State. You can register by:

You must report information about each of your newly-hired or rehired employees who will work in New York State. You have 20 days from an employee’s hiring date to report certain identifying information to the Tax Department. The hiring date is the first date any services are performed for which you will pay the employee wages or other compensation, or the first day an employee working for commissions is eligible to earn commissions. For more information, see: 

You may have to withhold New York State, New York City, or Yonkers income tax from your employees’ pay. You must periodically send these withholding taxes and withholding tax returns to the Tax Department. Your employees use the tax you withhold to meet their income tax obligations. For more information:

  • see Publication NYS-50, Employer’s Guide to Unemployment Insurance, Wage Reporting, and Withholding Tax
  • see New York State, New York City, and Yonkers Withholding Tax Tables and Methods
  • File your withholding tax returns (NYS-1 and NYS-45) electronically using your Online Services account. Simply register as a business, report your tax information online, and make a payment directly from your bank account. 

You may have to pay New York State unemployment insurance contributions. Unemployment insurance provides temporary income for eligible workers who lose their jobs through no fault of their own. For more information:  

If you must pay unemployment insurance contributions, you must also file a quarterly wage report with the Tax Department. The Department of Labor uses this information to determine workers’ benefits. For more information:  

  • see Publication NYS-50, Employer’s Guide to Unemployment Insurance, Wage Reporting, and Withholding Tax
  • File your withholding tax returns (NYS-1 and NYS-45) electronically using your Online Services account. Simply register as a business, report your tax information online, and make a payment directly from your bank account.  

You will probably have to carry workers’ compensation, as well as disability benefits and Paid Family Leave insurance for your employees. Workers’ compensation provides benefits to workers who are injured or become ill as a result of their job. Disability benefits help workers who have an illness or injury not related to their employment. Paid Family Leave provides workers with job-protected, paid time off when they need to care for a family member, or for certain other situations. To learn more about employer requirements, visit the Workers’ Compensation Board website at Employers, or call 518-486-3311.

Learn more about starting or buying a small business

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