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2023 Enhanced Form IT-196, New York Resident, Nonresident, and Part-Year Resident Itemized Deductions

Enhanced paper filing with a fill-in form

Electronic filing is the fastest, safest way to file—but if you must file a paper New York Resident, Nonresident, and Part-Year Resident Itemized Deductions, use our enhanced fill-in Form IT-196 with 2D barcodes.

Benefits include:

  • no more handwriting—type your entries directly into our form
  • automatic calculation of your refund or tax due amount—the form does the math
  • a unique 2D barcode printed on every page that securely links your form information to your account
  • fewer errors and faster processing of your form

All taxpayers should save a copy of their return for their files. You can either print a copy of the return or save the return on your computer. 

Note: the enhanced forms are not available for use with any mobile devices including phones, tablets, or iPads. Enhanced forms are not available for use with Linux operating systems.

Ready to fill in your form?

Before downloading and using our enhanced forms, please read How do I download and open a PDF? and Where is the document number on my driver license? on our 2D barcode forms help page. Do not attempt to open enhanced forms with your browser.

2023 Enhanced Form IT-196

Do not make any handwritten entries on this form. Handwritten entries may cause delays and miscalculations.

How was your experience?

Please take our short survey. We appreciate your feedback.

Not in a hurry?

Print standard paper Form IT-196New York Resident, Nonresident, and Part-Year Resident Itemized Deductions (instructions), and complete it by hand.
