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STAR credit and exemption savings amounts

The amount of the STAR credit can differ from the STAR exemption savings because, by law, the STAR credit can increase by as much as 2% each year, but the value of the STAR exemption savings cannot increase.

The webpages below provide STAR credit and STAR exemption savings amounts for comparison purposes.

Bear in mind, if you switch to the STAR credit: 

  • you will receive your STAR benefit as a check or direct deposit from New York State,
  • you will no longer receive the STAR exemption on your school tax bill, and
  • you cannot switch back to the STAR exemption. 

Both the STAR exemption savings and the STAR credit can drop from year to year. For example, if you switch to the STAR credit from the exemption, the amount of your first STAR credit could be less than your STAR exemption savings in the prior year — but this is not the result of making the switch. If you had not switched, the amount of your exemption would also have dropped.

If you switch and you pay school taxes through a mortgage escrow account, you may want to contact the mortgage lender or its agent to tell them you've switched to the STAR credit from the STAR exemption.

Note: The Tax Department cannot tell you the STAR credit or exemption savings amounts prior to school districts issuing tax bills, because local school tax rates are necessary to calculate the credit and exemption savings. The school tax rates are not calculated until shortly before school tax bills are issued.

We annually update the STAR credit amounts and exemption savings figures on this schedule:

  • August: New York City
  • October: all other counties
  • November: Nassau County
  • January: Suffolk County

STAR credit and exemption savings amounts

Choose your county, then scroll to your municipality and school district: 
